South Gloucestershire Circular Rides - Ride 2 - Cotswold Edge Two (20.99 miles 33.59 km ) Print

A Ride starting at the Layby Parking on A420 at Marshfield.Explorer 155 Grid Ref: ST770737

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From Marshfield at end Of lay- by on A420, ride along road and shortly turn right into bridleway (RUPP), known as Green Lane. After steep hill follow track to road, turn left and almost immediately right into Halldoor Lane. Follow to end and turn right into Ayford Lane.

Waypoint 1

THIS IS A BUSY TRUNK ROAD. TURN LEFT AND CROSS to a track along the grass verge to the right turn to Tadwick, down Nimiet Hill. Follow lane down hill round sharp left hand bend. Here there is a choice of route.
The shorter route:
Turn right into farm drive and then right across rough ground to gate into a downhill track. After a ford. the track runs into a road at Lower Hamswell. Follow the road, using the bridle gate to the left of the cattle grid, to cross Freezing Hill cane. POOR VISIBILITY AT CROSSING. Continue along lane and cross Bath Road to reach Waypoint 4
Longer ride
Continue down Nimiet Hill to Tadwick, then on down hill and take first right towards Langridge. Ride along road next to stream and take the first right up a hill then turn left into a track, climbing steadily. After a couple of gates the path Crosses a field and reaches the Bath Road at Waypoint 3, . CE2x3
CROSS THE BUSY ROAD and turn right along the grass verge. Soon turn left into round Further Slate Wood. Turn sharply right at end of wood and follow track alongside go" course. Follow track through gate, going down hill with views to the left to another gate leading to a road. Follow this road, either tuming right into a permissive bridleway through Barons Wood. belonging to the Woodlands Trust. Or carrying onto Upton Cheyney, turning sharp right around the school building. This lane brings you to the bottom end of the permissive bridleway and then to the left tum to Beach and then join up with the shorter route at Waypoint 4. CE2x4
Ride Waypoint 4
down hill towards Beach and at left-hand bend carry straight on down bridleway track. At the wood, the bridleway goes up the bank and through the wood, keeping the general direction with a number of muddy tracks available. Alternatively the line of a narrow, stony drain / stream can be followed. At the bottom Of the hill there is a ford at Grandmothers Rock. with a good track leading up the and then down towards Wick, with good view s. Pass Coldharbour Farm and at the end of the farm drive turn right along Oldbury Lane to the A420 at Wick.
THIS Waypoint 5
IS A BUSY ROAD! TURN RIGHT, CROSSING WITH CARE onto the grass verge opposite. Shortly turn left into Bury Lane and proceed past Wick Quarry (THIS IS A WORKING QUARRY AND CAN BE NOISY). Follow lane through Doynton to Dyrham.
Take Waypoint 6
first turn right up Sands Hill past Dyrham park on the left, Good views to the right, and looking back. At the A46, CROSS TRUNK ROAD WITH CARE onto grass verge opposite, then take lane to the left towards Marshfield. Take bridleway track, Brookhouse Lane, to right, down hill. through gate and follow right hand hedge up hill bearing round to left (no distinct path). Ride down hill to ford. Pass through gate after ford and follow track uphill to Westend Town Farm and follow road to Marshfield. At A420, CROSS THIS BUSY ROAD WITH CARE to opposite lane and right back to layby and start point.